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Bupropion Alternatives

Last Updated on September 21, 2023 by Carol Gillette

Alternative to Meds Editorial Team
Medically Reviewed by Dr Samuel Lee MD

Did you know there are many drug-free bupropion alternatives? We continue to be surprised at how few prescribing physicians have learned about these non-toxic and effective treatments.

Did you know that there are medical and physical causes of depression? Such as hormones, vitamin/mineral deficiencies, poor diet, adrenal fatigue, environmental toxins, and many others? Medication can’t fix poor nutrition or your off-gassing furniture.

Do Your Symptoms Require Bupropion?

buproprion alternatives
Our published evidence demonstrates that over 77% of people who tapered off and discontinued antidepressants in our program along with alternative strategies perform better in terms of fewer symptoms, brighter mood, better sleep, and many other improvements. A pill and a label and a fistful of side effects just can’t compete with that. Find out how our antidepressant alternatives programs may be helpful for you or a loved one who wants to get free of prescription drugs.
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At Alternative to Meds Center, we provide bupropion alternatives and treatment methods that can help you live a life free from antidepressants and their associated side effects.

What is Bupropion?

Although bupropion is classified as antidepressant medication, it is quite different from many other antidepressants on the market. Since its release in 1989, Bupropion’s pharmacological effects have been demonstrated in clinical trials on mice, rats, and in vitro, as a dual norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor, without significantly affecting serotonin. The classification for this type of this “aminoketone” drug is NDRI — norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor.5,6

serious adverse risks antidepressant drugsCompared to other types of antidepressants, bupropion is considered less likely to produce side effects such as weight gain, sedation, and sexual dysfunction. However, according to Pompili et al in their massive review of all available literature from 1965 to 2010 on the subject of suicide risks and medications, published in Pharmaceuticals Journal, the risks of suicide and worsening depression are generally no different than other AD medications including SSRIs, SNRIs, NDRIs, tricyclics, or anti-anxiety medications on the market today. All of these drug classes have black boxes for suicide risk and worsening psychiatric symptoms.5,9,10

Bupropion is sold under the name Wellbutrin© with additional extended-release and sustained release versions. Immediate release is typically prescribed 3X daily, sustained-release 2X daily, and extended-release would be prescribed once daily.5,8

Though FDA bupropion approval is limited to the treatment of MDD or major depressive disorder, physicians also prescribe bupropion “off-label” for insomnia, anxiety, SAD (seasonal affective disorder — depression that is active during fall and winter months, especially in colder climates), and a variety of other uses. While bupropion under the brand name Wellbutrin is not approved for smoking cessation, bupropion sold under the name Zyban© has been FDA-approved specifically for smoking cessation, though neither drugmakers, nor drug researchers, nor the FDA claim to know or can explain how bupropion would actually work in this regard.13 As a note, the black box warning for suicide risk and worsening psychiatric symptoms also applies to Zyban.7,10

What Are the Bupropion Alternatives?

In conventional medicine, “alternative” antidepressants most often mean trying a different one when the first, second, or third antidepressant is not working.11

When multiple drugs “don’t work,” there is also a chance a physician or psychiatrist may recommend inducing seizures with electroshock therapy after unsuccessful trial and error drug prescribing did not provide the desired outcome.14 At one time, ECT was considered a “last resort” treatment only recommended when drugs did not do the job. Perhaps this was due to brain hemorrhages, memory impairments, and other neuronal damage associated with the 30 – 60 second long seizures, which are the goal of ECT.17,18,33 According to an exhaustive review of the medical literature regarding antidepressant efficacy, we find Kirsch et al’s infamous study16 which concludes antidepressants do not work better than placebo when applying strictly clinical standards of measurement, as well as the review by Penn et al which comes to the same conclusion in most respects, but argues that even if the effect is placebo-generated, does it really matter?15 One wonders if the contemporary rise in popularity in prescribing ECT might be due to the documented dismal success rates and drug-induced injuries associated with psychiatric drugs?

According to research done by Keks et al, up to two-thirds of patients diagnosed with MDD fail to respond to the first AD prescribed. Three-quarters of those patients who switched drugs also fail to achieve results with the second AD. This process of switching antidepressants can go on for quite some time. When a person decides to quit antidepressants after 6 weeks or more, antidepressant withdrawals can be expected, whether the drug proved helpful or not.12

At Alternative to Meds Center, we are focused on providing safer, natural alternatives to treat depression that are effective, but not harmful. Clients who come to Alternative to Meds Center are generally looking for two forms of help. One is to ease withdrawals during cessation from drugs such as bupropion and another is to improve their mental health naturally through the use of non-drug-based alternatives to get rid of the symptoms that led to prescription medication in the first place. Bupropion alternatives at Alternative to Meds Center can provide effective help on both counts.

Natural Remedies for Treating Depression

Our treatment center offers comprehensive programs to help individuals who are looking for bupropion alternative treatments and relief from original symptoms using non-drug-based treatments.

The first step is using lab testing and other assessments, discovering the real underlying medical reasons why a person is depressed, suffering insomnia, anxiety, or whatever combination of symptoms is occurring.

Ours is a logical sequence of actions. Once we have an understanding of the root causes, we’ve often found that environment, nutrition, and lifestyle changes are key.

Alternatives to bupropion for depression include:
  • Natural Alternatives to Prescription DrugsExercise 19
  • Test for food allergies and adjust the diet accordingly 30
  • BLT — bright light therapy 3
  • Eat a nutrient-dense, clean, diet 20-22
  • Vitamin & nutritional supplement therapy, vitamin D, B vitamins, prebiotics, probiotics, etc.23-25
  • Traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, Qigong 26,34
  • Relaxation therapies that minimize stress, i.e., art therapy, yoga, massage
  • Talk therapy, other genres of counseling* 1-4
  • Cleanse toxic accumulations out of the body 27-29

*Studies such as DeRubeis et al’s as published in Nature Reviews Neuroscience1 have shown that counseling gets the same or even better results than medication in treating depression, especially when comparing long-term success.

Behavioral therapists help individuals to learn how they can unlearn the thought and behavioral patterns that contribute to, result from, or cause their depression. Bupropion is FDA-approved to treat MDD, or major depressive disorders, but side effects while taking the medication could make this an unsatisfactory treatment option. Unwanted side effects are the most common reason for discontinuing the medication. Many are simply looking for a more natural way to maintain mental health. Luckily, there are a number of Wellbutrin alternatives that often prove to be highly effective.

Is Bupropion Really Needed?

As mentioned earlier, the most common alternatives suggested in conventional medicine will likely substitute a different prescription drug. So what are the other bupropion alternative natural approaches that do not involve chemically made prescription meds? investigate thoroughly before prescribing antidepressantsFirst of all, people are often put on antidepressants prior to there being substantial investigative efforts to figure out why they have developed depression, anxiety, insomnia, or other problematic symptoms. Are they really just chemically imbalanced in their brain and there are no other reasons why they are depressed? What if they have low thyroid? 32 What if they have accumulated environmental neurotoxins that need clearing out, for example, toxic heavy metals that can damage energy metabolism? Colon hydrotherapy, nebulized glutathione, and many other treatments are very often therapeutic against unwanted symptoms all in themselves. Diet is another fundamental aspect of rehabilitating health. In the past, a person might have had a diet so nutritionally poor that they were unable to produce what is required for optimal brain health. Using orthomolecular principles, diet modification has proven exceptionally important in addressing mental health issues. Additionally, food allergies can cause internal swelling, which slows down metabolism and this can also contribute to degrading health.30,31

There can be many reasons for symptoms to suddenly or gradually appear. We will do everything we can to search out the root causes and resolve them in drug-free, holistic, evidence-based ways.

Alternative to Meds Center Is Licensed to Treat Mental Health

The Alternative to Meds Center drug treatment program focuses on discovering the medical reasons that may be contributing to a person’s depression, anxiousness, or insomnia. Our bupropion alternative medicine program uses lab testing, natural substances to stabilize the neurochemistry, neurotoxin removal, medically supervised medication withdrawal techniques, peer support, targeted nutritional therapy, amino therapy, IV nutrient therapy, massage therapy, personal exercise training, yoga, Qi Gong, colon hydrotherapy, acupuncture, and many other natural therapies to help reverse depression and recover after prescription drug use naturally.3,4

We urge you to contact us for more information about holistic, effective therapies available at Alternative to Meds Center. We combine these with identifying and treating the root causes of why the individual originally became depressed or suffered other unwanted symptoms. We have proven that drug-free bupropion alternatives are safer to use, and can create success with natural mental health that is safe, not drug-based, effective, and long-lasting.

Want to learn more about bupropion side effects, withdrawal and FAQs? Continue reading here.


1. DeRubeis R, et al., “Cognitive therapy vs. medications for depression: Treatment outcomes and neural mechanisms.” Nat Rev Neurosci [Internet] 2008 Sept 11 [cited 2021 Jun 8] PMID 18784657 [cited 2022 June 15]

2. Anthes E, “Depression: A change of mind.” Nature 2014 Nov [cited 2021 Jun 8]] PMID25391944 [cited 2022 June 15]

3. Cunningham JStamp J, Shapiro C, “Sleep and major depressive disorder: a review of non-pharmacological chrontherapeutic treatments for unipolar depression.” Science Direct [online] Sleep Medicine Vol 61 Sept 2019 [cited 2022 June 15]

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6. Stahl SM, Pradko JF, Haight BR, Modell JG, Rockett CB, Learned-Coughlin S. A Review of the Neuropharmacology of Bupropion, a Dual Norepinephrine and Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitor. Prim Care Companion J Clin Psychiatry. 2004;6(4):159-166. doi:10.4088/pcc.v06n0403 [cited 2022 June 15]

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9. Pompili M, Serafini G, Innamorati M, et al. Antidepressants and Suicide Risk: A Comprehensive Overview. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2010;3(9):2861-2883. Published 2010 Aug 30. doi:10.3390/ph3092861 [cited 2022 June 15]

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Originally Published Sep 16, 2018 by Diane Ridaeus

This content has been reviewed and approved by a licensed physician.

Dr. Samuel Lee

Dr. Samuel Lee is a board-certified psychiatrist, specializing in a spiritually-based mental health discipline and integrative approaches. He graduated with an MD at Loma Linda University School of Medicine and did a residency in psychiatry at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle. He has also been an inpatient adult psychiatrist at Kaweah Delta Mental Health Hospital and the primary attending geriatric psychiatrist at the Auerbach Inpatient Psychiatric Jewish Home Hospital. In addition, he served as the general adult outpatient psychiatrist at Kaiser Permanente.  He is board-certified in psychiatry and neurology and has a B.A. Magna Cum Laude in Religion from Pacific Union College. His specialty is in natural healing techniques that promote the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

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Nothing on this Website is intended to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on the website is intended to encourage, not replace, direct patient-health professional relationships. Always consult with your doctor before altering your medications. Adding nutritional supplements may alter the effect of medication. Any medication changes should be done only after proper evaluation and under medical supervision.

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