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Zoloft Alternatives

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Medically Reviewed Fact Checked

Last Updated on November 20, 2023 by Carol Gillette

Alternative to Meds Editorial Team
Medically Reviewed by Dr Samuel Lee MD

Natural alternatives to Zoloft can avoid the host of short-term and long-term adverse effects that come along with the prescription.6 Alternative to Meds non-drug-based antidepressant alternatives for depression are in alignment with a growing field of what is termed complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). This article will focus on the more evidence-based aspects of Zoloft alternatives

Zoloft is often prescribed without any real biological or medical testing.7 Because of this, it is highly possible that physiological or therapeutic things were missed that may have been contributing to the depression.19

Do Your Symptoms Require Zoloft?

successful zoloft alternatives
Alternative to Meds has been primarily invested in antidepressant alternatives for over 15 years. Using Holistic and Environmental Medicine, we have published evidence demonstrating that more than three-quarters of our clients safely coming off antidepressant medication such as Zoloft, and structuring a holistic lifestyle have fewer and less intense symptoms, and feel much better than they ever felt while medicated.
In our Neurotoxicity and Wellness video series, we delve into the biological mechanics of how various drugs and medications affect the body. This educational series examines the function of neurochemical pathways as well as nutritive ways to assist biological deficiencies. The series will also explain how a cascade of problems can be compounded with prescription drugs including cognitive decline, newly emerging symptoms, drug dependence, and addiction. We approach all these problems using holistic and natural alternatives.

This video specifically addresses Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, aka SSRIs.

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Zoloft, A Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI)

Zoloft (sertraline) is classified as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI).6

Zoloft is FDA-approved to treat these conditions:

  • MDD — major depressive disorder
  • OCD — obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • PD — panic disorder
  • PTSD — post-traumatic stress disorder
  • SAD — social anxiety disorder
  • PMDD — premenstrual dysphoric disorder

Despite the wide range of indications, the contraindications and adverse effects make a much, much longer list, leaving many wanting to explore safer, more effective Zoloft alternatives.9 When a patient experiences bothersome Zoloft adverse effects or feels that this drug is not sufficiently managing their symptoms of depression or other mental health conditions, the doctor may prescribe Prozac, Effexor, or other substitute medications.

To avoid adverse effects, many individuals with depression may want to try natural Zoloft alternatives and holistic therapies instead.2 Other SSRIs like Prozac®, Effexor®, and Celexa®, for example, often cause the same problems that are associated with Zoloft.10 Extreme reactions can occur with all SSRI medications and quite often the drug may not provide adequate relief. Many users may experience more grief than relief from taking SSRI medication.11,12

Zoloft Disinhibition and “The Zoloft Defense”

It is becoming more and more common to hear about tragedies attributed to being under the influence of SSRI medication use. Zoloft has been known to create “disinhibition” and also “indifference” especially in younger adults, and adolescents.1,14

The term “Zoloft defense” has been coined in newspapers to summarize a number of tragic scenarios where a homicidal crime of rage has been attributed to taking SSRI medications.13

With these types of incidents being reported with alarming frequency, as well as the black box warning for increased suicidality, one would be prudent to consider Zoloft alternatives that don’t carry such a burden of potentially life-damaging adverse effects such as rage, suicide, and homicide.6,15

Effective Zoloft Alternatives Treatments

talk therapy zoloft alternativeFor the many people who are not responsive to antidepressants or who just don’t want to depend on prescription drugs to maintain mental health, there are fortunately many alternative remedies, therapies, treatments, and natural approaches one can pursue. One of the most effective Zoloft alternatives for depression can be various genres of talk therapy, which is typically delivered over a number of weeks.20 Talk therapy is designed to help patients to understand their problems, look at problems with new insights, and work through problems by verbally exchanging with their talk therapist.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy sessions may focus on helping patients to undo conditioned behavioral patterns, habits, and thought patterns that either partially or wholly have contributed to depression or that have developed as a result of an individual’s depression. A CBT therapist aims to help patients replace negative patterns with more positive responses in life, and teach patients the tools and skills necessary for achieving more satisfaction through the patient’s own actions. Other therapeutic practices such as acupuncture18 and massage17 and other natural Zoloft alternatives described below can be tailored to be the most effective for individuals who suffer from depression, anxiety, or other conditions and who desire safer more effective antidepressant alternatives.

Natural Alternatives to Zoloft include:
  • critical role of gut health in depressionNutritional therapy, testing for deficiencies, corrected diet 19
  • Talk therapy such as CBT, DBT, etc.20,21
  • Exercise 2
  • Bright light therapy, exposure to sunlight 8
  • Test for and eliminate accumulations of neurotoxins from the body. 22
  • “Shinrin-yoku” or forest bathing* brings symptom relief that is long-lasting 3
  • Therapeutic massage 17
  • Acupuncture can relieve pain, stress, tension, fatigue 18,25,26
  • Supplements such as Tryptophan, SAMe, Omega Fatty Acids can help restore deficient neurotransmitters during or after SSRI discontinuation. However, do not take them while taking Zoloft or other SSRI medications. Too much serotonin can become active, and this is NOT a good thing. 23,24,39
  • Similarly, speak to your doctor about other herbal and nutritional remedies before taking such supplements as St. Johns Wort, Kava, B12, chlorella, amino acids, valerian, especially while you are still taking Zoloft. 15,23,24,32,33,37
  • Yoga 37
  • Meditation 36
  • Repair and support microbiota in the digestive tract through diet and probiotics — studies show that SSRI use can increase resistance to antibiotics, and can lessen microbiota diversity in the gut. 35,40
  • Test for and resolve food or other allergies, such as molds 34
  • Test for hormone-related issues as in premenstrual dysphoria that may be resolved with natural methods 29,33

*Forest bathing studies (Hanson, Jones, Tocchini PMID 28788101) show the practice is effective in the relief of stress, anxiety, tension, and other benefits.

Holistic Zoloft Alternatives

holistic zoloft alternativesAntidepressant users are highly advised to consult with a doctor before attempting to discontinue the use of their medication,6 and if not satisfied with antidepressant treatment, consult with a doctor immediately. There can be no good reason to take a drug that does not help you. Individuals searching for effective alternatives may consider finding a holistic psychiatric, or an integrative doctor for Zoloft alternatives treatment.4 Integrative medical doctors have the same medical knowledge as traditional doctors but have chosen to expand their education and certifications in holistic medicine as well.

There are other Zoloft alternatives before starting on medication that may help with symptoms like sleep disturbances, anxiety and depression. These alternatives include targeted nutritional supplements and herbal remedies, such as valerian,16 kava,32 vitamin B12,24 chlorella,33 amino acids.23 and Omega-3 fatty acids — these are examples of Zoloft alternatives that contain essential nutrients that our bodies need to function properly.24

Discovering Root Causes for Symptoms

An individual is usually put on an antidepressant prior to there being any substantial amount of investigative efforts to discover why they have become depressed.27 An assumption of low serotonin could be irrelevant when other issues are not checked.28 Did you know women with menstrual issues are often misdiagnosed as bipolar? 29 What about food allergies where internal swelling can disrupt metabolism? 30 An accumulation of neurotoxins including heavy metals can also impact energy metabolism, another potential causal factor of depression.22 The individual could also be eating a diet that is so lacking in nutrients that they are not able to produce what is required for the brain and CNS to be healthy.31 The brain and each of the organs in the body are subject to fallout from a poor diet.

Another important area to address is where the individual is just overwhelmed by an unsatisfactory life, and they need more supportive surroundings in order to make positive changes and healthy decisions.

Discovering root causes is like drawing the map before embarking on your journey to wellness.

Panic Attacks — Holistic Help

holistic help for panic attacksPanic attacks can be startling! If you have ever experienced one, you may have found it difficult to convey the depth and breadth of the overwhelm. Doctors might sympathetically offer a “fast fix” like Zoloft, with all good intentions. However, first-line treatments of a mild, non-drug-based nature are recommended by the National Institute of Mental Health.5

A clinical study authored by Dr. Jean Cottraux, published in the Journal of Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience in 2002 reported that CBT and learned relaxation and breathing exercises outperformed medication by significant degrees in the treatment of anxiety-related disorders including agoraphobia. Exposure or gradual habituation therapy also proved successful in reducing distress and other symptoms without medications.38

Integrative Zoloft Alternatives

whole-person treatment for depressionAlternative to Meds Center’s Detox Shoppe works to discover any potential medical causes for why the individual may be depressed or suffering other mental health challenges. Our integrative Zoloft alternatives include utilizing lab tests, supporting the neurochemistry with natural substances, and removing accumulated environmental neurotoxins, including colon hydrotherapy.  Gentle Zoloft discontinuation techniques, various genres of counseling, targeted nutritional therapies such as amino therapy, IV + NAD therapies, neurotransmitter rehabilitation, personal training, acupuncture, yoga, massage, peer support, Qi Gong, art therapy, equine therapy, and many other integrative Zoloft alternatives are all proven effective. We invite you to call and speak with us and gain a better understanding of the comprehensive range of Zoloft alternatives help that is available to you or to someone you care about.


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Originally Published Oct 30, 2018 by Lyle Murphy

This content has been reviewed and approved by a licensed physician.

Dr. Samuel Lee

Dr. Samuel Lee is a board-certified psychiatrist, specializing in a spiritually-based mental health discipline and integrative approaches. He graduated with an MD at Loma Linda University School of Medicine and did a residency in psychiatry at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle. He has also been an inpatient adult psychiatrist at Kaweah Delta Mental Health Hospital and the primary attending geriatric psychiatrist at the Auerbach Inpatient Psychiatric Jewish Home Hospital. In addition, he served as the general adult outpatient psychiatrist at Kaiser Permanente.  He is board-certified in psychiatry and neurology and has a B.A. Magna Cum Laude in Religion from Pacific Union College. His specialty is in natural healing techniques that promote the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

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Nothing on this Website is intended to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on the website is intended to encourage, not replace, direct patient-health professional relationships. Always consult with your doctor before altering your medications. Adding nutritional supplements may alter the effect of medication. Any medication changes should be done only after proper evaluation and under medical supervision.

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