Alternative to Meds Center is a licensed mental health facility with a truly one-of-a-kind approach.
Alternative to Meds Center is a licensed mental health facility with a truly one-of-a-kind approach.
Alternative to Meds Center licensed mental health facility is truly the only one of its kind. We use highly advanced holistic, integrative and psychotherapeutic modalities to treat mental health symptoms, which provides an alternative to psychiatric medication. Many times in our society, people are treated with medication or choose to self-medicate as a stand-alone cure. This often times creates as many, if not more problems than it solves. We have, for the last decade and a half, dedicated ourselves to treating and resolving the issues that underlie the reasons for being medicated in the first place.
There are many root causes for anxiety. Medical, metabolic, and neurotoxicity issues are common, especially with ongoing anxiety disorders.
For many, life traumas still haunt their everyday existence and are left unresolved. We can help find emotional resolve in a delicate and understanding way, guided by our experts.
We all have fluctuations in mood.
However, some individuals may find that these types of fluctuations present a consistent pattern, detrimental to well-being. By combining the best of natural neurophysiological science, identifying underlying biochemical and genetic factors, and applying expert psychotherapeutic modalities, we can often address these mood fluctuations without the need for prescription dependency.
Although the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has yet to approve medication for the sole purpose of treating personality disorders, people with this condition are often medicated in the conventional psychiatric paradigm.
Our expert, masters-level therapists work with each patient, addressing underlying traumas and early child development composites, while our medical team investigates possible hormonal, endocrine and other physiological contributors.
People come through our doors looking for answers to a wide range of symptoms.
Alternative to Meds Center, collectively, does not typically view mental conditions as disorders, but rather as natural manifestations of some underlying imbalance. Many people with pain afflictions, lethargy, addictive cravings, body image issues, bipolar dispositions and psychosis often have determinable medical and even nutritional reasons for being symptomatic. Additionally, many were denied the understanding and psychological support needed, to allow their authentic, unique, and neurodiverse self to shine.