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Paliperidone Alternatives

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Medically Reviewed Fact Checked

Last Updated on July 28, 2022 by Carol Gillette

Alternative to Meds Editorial Team
Medically Reviewed by Dr Samuel Lee MD

Observably, most medical professionals lack familiarity, resources, or expertise to provide effective paliperidone alternatives. Alternative to Meds Center may provide the answers you have been seeking, to resolve lingering negative effects of long-term medication.

Antipsychotics like paliperidone (Invega®) may have provided relief during a time of a very real crisis. However, post-crisis, a lifetime of being medicated is not necessarily the best or only choice.

Does Your Diagnosis
Require Paliperidone?

successful paliperidone alternatives
Alternative to Meds has given expert help with antipsychotic alternatives for better than 15 years. The center has published evidence regarding our client’s successes and positive results from using our treatment protocols. We aim toward improved natural mental health rather than relying only on prescribed medication for the relief of undesirable symptoms. Using alternative treatments, and an investigative approach, we can address a person’s underlying issues. This can be done in non-toxic ways. Testing can reveal medical conditions or a wide range of other contributing factors that could have resulted in misdiagnosis, or unnecessary medication use.
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What are Paliperidone Alternatives?

It is not necessary to continue to suffer unwanted symptoms when one can learn about the use of non-drug-based paliperidone alternatives. It is possible, with professional guidance, to reduce or eliminate symptoms that were troubling in the past using drug-free ways that are designed for relief.1,2 Our clinically tested and evidence-based treatments aim to provide real results. In this way, we can avoid the liability of side effects from antipsychotic medications. Harsh drugs, especially for long-term use, may not be necessary in all cases. It is possible, using paliperidone alternatives in a well-managed way, to feel better and much more able to engage in life, and subsequently, be better equipped for successful tapering and withdrawal. More information is provided below the list. We also encourage you to read our Invega alternatives page, as this page has additional information about the generic version of Invega, paliperidone.

Top Ten Paliperidone Alternatives include:
  • Restructure the diet:  4-6 small protein-based meals, avoid gluten and consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, preferably unprocessed and organic foods, daily consumption of probiotics, prebiotics, fermented foods, and yogurt to support a healthy gut microbiome. 4,5,11-13,16,17,30
  • Exposure to sunshine, daytime bright light therapy.18
  • Supplements:  magnesium, melatonin, Vitamin C, D, folate and other B vitamins, herbal remedies such as ginkgo and other phytomedicines and botanicals.19-21,25
  • Neurotoxin removal to purge toxic accumulations from the body.6,9,10
  • Regular exercise:  walking, aerobics, Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and similar.22
  • Avoid stimulants:  caffeine, sugars, and refined carbs to keep blood sugar levels even.23-25
  • Improve the quality of sleep:  remove electronics/blue light from the sleeping area, comfortable pillow, mattress, adequate ventilation, noise reduction if needed, black-out curtains to block light, and a comfortable eye mask may also help.26
  • CBT and other forms of therapy and psycho-social support.27
  • Avoid recreational use of cannabis, alcohol, or other drug use.28
  • Use non-toxic personal care and cleaning products, and avoid chemical exposures.6-10,29

Environmental Toxicity and Unwanted Symptoms

Often a person can become accustomed to taking antipsychotic medication such as paliperidone to mask or dampen symptoms, and for a time this might be the most correct medically recommended action. However, there are possible non-drug-based protocols that can also be introduced. One that has become renowned is testing for and removal of accumulated environmental toxicity.

testing for toxicity

Exposure to toxic chemicals such as those found in cleaning or industrial products, air or water pollutants, past drug residues, heavy metals, etc., can accumulate over one’s lifetime. Testing will show if this is the case, which can be followed up with a gentle but effective cleansing of these neurotoxic substances. The Environmental Health Perspectives Journal published a study showing that a significant percentage of children suffering from ADHD impulsivity have tested positive for the presence of lead after low-level lead exposure.6 During the Flint Michigan water contamination event of 2014-2015, residents including the children were temporarily exposed to a doubling of lead in the city’s water supply. The city issued a “boil water” advisory that would not have prevented the lead contamination, but clearly demonstrates the overall lack of understanding that seems to chronically plague officials in their task of ensuring healthy and safe resources in our cities and towns.7 Exposure to heavy metals has been implicated in severe harm to both children and adults, including mental retardation, neurocognitive disorders, behavioral problems, and many other physical health issues.8 Neurotoxic exposure is an understudied and often overlooked factor when addressing mental health issues. More research is being done daily but its importance cannot be overlooked when it comes to restoring natural mental health and physical wellness.3

Clients at Alternative to Meds Center typically report great relief during and after biotransformational sauna cleanse, colon hydrotherapy, and other cleansing methods, resulting in improved mood, sleep, appetite, and mental clarity. These benefits can play a significant role in supporting and promoting bettered natural mental health. The burden of toxicity on neurochemistry may have been present for a while but can be relieved in comparatively little time. The study of toxic exposure connected to psychiatric disorders aims to show more specifically how these toxic effects occur and how they manifest. A massive review of studies on the relationship between lead and cadmium exposure and mental health was published in the 2014 North American Journal of Medical Science. Author Orisakwe found overwhelming evidence of the link between lead and mental disorders such as a doubled risk of major depressive disorder, a 5X rate of panic disorder, decreased brain tissue, and many other neurological disorders including schizophrenia, bipolar, phobias, anxiety, mood disorders, and more. Toxins accumulate in adipose tissue (fatty tissue) according to the consensus of the literature, making the brain, composed of 60% fat, a major storage location for neurotoxins.9,10

Paliperidone Alternatives Include Restoring A Healthy Microbiome

It has been well established that a healthy gut (sometimes called the second brain) supports both physical and mental well-being. The bulk of neurotransmitters is formed and delivered via the gut to the rest of the body, including the central nervous system and brain. Without a healthy microbiome, neurochemistry can suffer from various dysfunctional characteristics, linked to neurochemical or other deficiencies. There is much research data on the mental health benefits of a healthy gut that suggests restoring the microbiome is an effective paliperidone alternative treatment.

gut microbiome brain connectionCertain gut bacteria can negatively impact mental health quite dramatically, as studies show.4,5 This is a relatively new branch of research but researchers are finding that the overabundance of certain gut microbes/bacteria shows an observable link to schizophrenia, psychosis, depression, and other mental disorders. This knowledge is gaining much interest to diagnosticians and thankfully, this trend is gaining a more prominent place in the mainstream.

Cleansing and diet are both important to restore a healthy gut. A corrected diet involves the use of probiotics, fermented foods, and clean, chemical-free ingredients as well as food-grade targeted supplements. A diet can be designed to provide adequate amino-acid-derived metabolites for the natural production of serotonin and GABA, and others, which are all necessary for health.11,12,13 All of these highly beneficial elements are utilized at Alternative to Meds to restore and support a healthy microbiome and natural mental health.

Paliperidone Alternatives:  Gentle But Effective

Clients who are seeking paliperidone alternative treatment may have several different goals or milestones. One of these might be restoring gut health and more vibrant physical health. Another might be the reduction or elimination of symptoms that preceded being prescribed antipsychotic medication in the first place. This is achieved most effectively when searching for root causes, instead of looking for a “better drug” strong enough to mask unwanted symptoms. Clients also frequently want to achieve a calmer sense of self and a restored feeling of engagement with life, which is difficult while under the influence of heavy drugs such as paliperidone that tend to blunt emotions.14

At Alternative to Meds Center, many holistic therapies are used to support mental wellness during the phase of drug reduction and recovery, including therapeutic massage, nebulized glutathione treatments, acupuncture, yoga, Qi Gong, engagement with peers in a welcoming inpatient setting, CBT and other counseling opportunities, art therapy, IV + NAD therapy, and more, including Equine Therapy – a highly popular choice for residents at the center.

Equine Therapy at Alternative to Meds Center

equine therapy at ATMCEquine therapy, counseling in many formats, and life coaching can be quite beneficial for improved mental health goals.

Equine therapy in particular has been found to be a gentle, relaxing, and empowering therapy that benefits a person recovering from a fragile or weakened condition, and has shown particularly positive benefits for chronic psychiatric patients including those troubled by behavioral issues.15

This safe and gentle supervised therapy is very popular at the center.

Holistic Paliperidone Reduction

Another frequently mentioned goal our clients give is the reduction or even elimination of antipsychotic medication. This is only possible when symptoms are also reduced, and other strategies are learned for protecting and supporting natural mental health.

Gentle but effective alternative paliperidone treatment and many other therapeutics can provide the means for our clients to successfully reach their health goals. Every client is unique and every client’s treatment is programmed individually rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.

More Information on Paliperidone Alternatives

integrative functional medicineAlternative to Meds Center is designed to help those in recovery from neuroleptic medications. Drug-based treatments may not have been able to provide the level of relief and wellness that was hoped for over the long term.

There are many protocols used in our program and we invite you to call and request more information on the various treatments we offer, which you can view more of on our services overview page. Please ask us about costs, length of program, insurance coverage, and any other questions you may have. Find out more about our paliperidone alternatives program and how it may give better choices that lead toward greatly improved natural mental health and wellness for you or a loved one.

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2. Tan MS, Yu JT, Tan CC, Wang HF, Meng XF, Wang C, Jiang T, Zhu XC, Tan L. Efficacy and adverse effects of ginkgo biloba for cognitive impairment and dementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Alzheimers Dis. 2015;43(2):589-603. doi: 10.3233/JAD-140837. PMID: 25114079. [cited 2022 June 27]

3. Genuis S, “Toxic Causes of Mental Illness are Overlooked” Neurotoxicology Journal 2008 Nov [Internet] PMID 18621076 [cited 2022 June 27]

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7. Kennedy C, Yard E, Dignam T, Buchanan S, Condon S, Brown MJ, Raymond J, Rogers HS, Sarisky J, de Castro R, Arias I, Breysse P. Blood Lead Levels Among Children Aged <6 Years – Flint, Michigan, 2013-2016. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2016 Jul 1;65(25):650-4. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6525e1. PMID: 27359350. [cited 2022 June 27]

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Originally Published Feb 6, 2020 by Diane Ridaeus

This content has been reviewed and approved by a licensed physician.

Dr. Samuel Lee

Dr. Samuel Lee is a board-certified psychiatrist, specializing in a spiritually-based mental health discipline and integrative approaches. He graduated with an MD at Loma Linda University School of Medicine and did a residency in psychiatry at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle. He has also been an inpatient adult psychiatrist at Kaweah Delta Mental Health Hospital and the primary attending geriatric psychiatrist at the Auerbach Inpatient Psychiatric Jewish Home Hospital. In addition, he served as the general adult outpatient psychiatrist at Kaiser Permanente.  He is board-certified in psychiatry and neurology and has a B.A. Magna Cum Laude in Religion from Pacific Union College. His specialty is in natural healing techniques that promote the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

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Nothing on this Website is intended to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on the website is intended to encourage, not replace, direct patient-health professional relationships. Always consult with your doctor before altering your medications. Adding nutritional supplements may alter the effect of medication. Any medication changes should be done only after proper evaluation and under medical supervision.

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