Happy Story of Geodon Taper & Withdrawal

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Last Updated on November 30, 2022 by Carol Gillette

“Going through the program at ATMC has genuinely changed my life! I will be forever grateful …”

My name is Kristen. I am 35 years old and was on an antipsychotic (Geodon) for over 5 years. When I came to ATMC I was broken down, and felt hopeless about getting off the antipsychotic. I wasn’t myself anymore. I had tried to taper myself at home and had the WORST experience. I had manic episodes, depression, full blown anxiety and panic attacks, and just literally felt out of my mind for about a month after I tapered by 20mg. It was terrible! The thought of trying to taper the rest of the way down and get off the medication felt completely impossible.

When I arrived at ATMC I immediately felt welcomed and safe. Every staff member I met was so warm and genuinely seemed to want to help me on my journey to getting off the medication. I immediately started on a supplement regimen, and started at the Detox Shoppe, doing the sauna and the spa room, where they provided ionic foot baths, magnesium foot baths, castor oil liver packs, nebulized glutathione, sound healing, massage, reflexology, and other treatments. By the time I started my taper from the medication I was feeling great! I am grateful that they had me wait to start my taper until I was stable on the supplements and doing the detox every day.

My taper started and guess what? I had none of the side effects that came with the taper when I did it myself! I felt happy and stable, and fully supported. As I continued my taper I enjoyed the full program, going to many classes, practicing yoga, receiving colon hydrotherapy, practicing Qi Gong, and enjoying sound healing. 

Now that I am completely off of the medication, I couldn’t be happier! And I know for a fact that I could not have done this without the help of ATMC. The staff are all very well educated (they really know their stuff!), and I am so grateful to them for helping me through this trying time. Going through the program at ATMC has genuinely changed my life! I will be forever grateful that I was able to come to this beautiful location in Sedona and spend 2 months with these amazing people going through this program, and successfully ending my relationship with antipsychotic medications.

Medical Disclaimer:
Nothing on this Website is intended to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on the website is intended to encourage, not replace, direct patient-health professional relationships. Always consult with your doctor before altering your medications. Adding nutritional supplements may alter the effect of medication. Any medication changes should be done only after proper evaluation and under medical supervision.