Dr. Michael Loes, MD
Internal Medicine, Addiction and Pain Medicine
Dr. Michael Loes is board-certified in Internal Medicine, Pain Management, and Addiction Medicine. He holds a dual license in Homeopathic and Integrative Medicine. He obtained his medical doctorate at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, in 1978. Dr. Loes performed an externship at the National Institute of Health for Psychopharmacology. Additionally, he is a well-published author including: Arthritis: The Doctor’s Cure, The Aspirin Alternative, The Healing Response, and Spirit Driven Health: The Psalmist’s Guide for Recovery. He has been awarded the Minnesota Medical Foundation’s “Excellence in Research” Award.
He was the medical director of ATMC between 2014 and 2016. He now is a consulting physician and provides relief for the current medical director. Prior to Alternative to Meds Center, he was a medical provider at Hazelden.
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