Recovery Leads to Improved Focus

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Last Updated on November 25, 2020 by Carol Gillette

Now, I truly am happy and I have a better focus on the direction I am going in and also on what is happening right now.

When first stepping into this program, I thought that the most I would get out of it was a clean mind and body from getting rid of the drugs and toxins.

I was right about this except that I got much more than I had expected. I was able to gain a better perspective on my life when I was going through the program and I now also have a much better outlook on the future.

I’m so grateful for this experience because when I first went in I had thought that I was already happy and that I knew exactly where I was headed. Now, I truly am happy and I have a better focus on the direction I am going in and also on what is happening right now.

Recovery Leads to Improved Focus
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