A Nurse’s Successful Withdrawal from Klonopin at Alternative to Meds Center

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Last Updated on June 28, 2024 by Diane Ridaeus

I finally have my life back and I will be forever thankful to the wonderful people of Alternative to Meds Center for helping to give it back to me.

I came to Alternative to Meds Center after a hellish 3 months of suffering from anxiety and panic attacks provoked by an epidural steroid injection I received in my neck in April of 2017.

My doctor prescribed me Xanax to keep my side effects from the steroid injection at bay. My body became tolerant to the Xanax very quickly and my dose was at almost 2mg a day. I was having withdrawals in between doses so my doctor decided to put me on 1-2mg of Klonopin a day because it had a longer half-life.

I knew as a nurse that these benzodiazepines are only meant for short term use and immediately tried to taper myself down off of it, all while trying to work full time and take care of my daughter and husband. I got down to 0.5mg and my body would not let go of any more Klonopin without going into severe withdrawals.

I became suicidal. I didn’t want to live anymore feeling like I was numbed emotionally or having withdrawals every time I tried to taper. This would then cause me to go back up on my dose and stabilize before tapering again.

I found Alternative to Meds Center online when I searched for an alternative way to get off the Klonopin. I had already stopped trusting western medicine after I had been let down too many times. In a last ditch effort for my life, I left my family and friends for four weeks and stayed at Alternative to Meds Center.

The four weeks I was at Alternative to Meds Center were a struggle because I still had pretty severe withdrawals, but there was no way I could have gotten through it without the amazing people that work there. They were super supportive. They kept me busy and gave me emotional support when I needed it the most. The supplements helped me tolerate the withdrawals. The food there was amazing and even when I had no appetite, they accommodated my needs nutritionally. We had lots of fun on the weekends, and even though I was feeling awful for more than half my stay there, I still went on all the weekend adventures, which were therapy in itself.

The detox shop was tough, I won’t lie. Sitting in a sauna for 1.5 to 2 hours a day is not easy. But, it’s the most important part of the program. Plus, afterwards you get to go into the back and get massages, acupuncture, foot baths, facials, and glutathione breathing treatments, which were amazing!

I do not have one bad thing to say about Alternative to Meds Center. Their program is one of a kind and I am extremely grateful that I was given the opportunity to safely get off the horrible Klonopin. I finally have my life back and I will be forever thankful to the wonderful people of Alternative to Meds Center for helping to give it back to me.

– Whitney

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Nothing on this Website is intended to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on the website is intended to encourage, not replace, direct patient-health professional relationships. Always consult with your doctor before altering your medications. Adding nutritional supplements may alter the effect of medication. Any medication changes should be done only after proper evaluation and under medical supervision.