Heavy Metal Detox, Opiate Withdrawal Success

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Last Updated on October 21, 2020 by Carol Gillette

My appetite has greatly improved for healthier and a bigger variety of food that I really enjoy … I feel more relaxed and calmer … My interaction with other people feels more comfortable and less constrained.

Detox has not been easy at times but definitely worth it. While I may have chronic pain for the rest of my life, the limited pain-medication amount that I am taking allows me to dampen the pain without dampening all of me, my personality, my memory, my emotions, etc. I feel more like the old self that I used to be than I have for a very long time. I’m becoming much more alive and alert, my thoughts have a lot more clarity and my mind has awakened, almost like the fog has been lifted. I have returned to my feisty, former self. I am feeling healthier; I wake up in the morning brighter and with a frame of mind that is more positive and a lot more organized along with an attitude that is definitive to achieve what is needed on a daily basis.

Though I never have required that much sleep, I have been getting more rest from the sleep I’m getting and it seems as though it is a more peaceful and pleasant sleep. My appetite has greatly improved for healthier and a bigger variety of food that I really enjoy, this is a surprise to me and it feels wonderful to enjoy food again.

My long- and short-term memory has also improved. Before I did the heavy-metal removal, I had become notoriously bad with remembering some of the simplest things such as phone numbers, names, drawing numbers, part numbers, etc. (little trivial things which I use to remember without any effort, my co-workers and friends called me the “library” since my long and short term memory skills were so excellent). Memory erosion might be acceptable for a lot of people that are “middle aged” or have had previous problems with drug use, but for me personally this is not acceptable. I have built my memory through association which allows me to remember old documents and drawings, remembering document or drawing number, what information the document or drawing contains, and usually what the page number is for the information that I might be searching for. I remember numbers for hardware parts, lengths and diameters of items I used only one time, very similar to a filing cabinet full of information.

When considering all of the advantages in the world today which allow us to go on the internet to find out about even the most trivial type of information, I’ve always relied on my memory for gaining an edge over competitors when it comes to applying for new jobs or if a small number of engineers has been narrowed down towards the end of certain projects or when a company that I work for needs to lay off workers because of financial constraints, therefore an expanding and broad memory is a very important thing to me.

I feel more relaxed and calmer. For the past one or two years I have had the tendency of being somewhat of an emotional, withdrawn, angry, ticking “time bomb” while I always stand up for the things I believe in and speak my mind, I find un-angered, but pure emotional reactions make it more simple for me to give my message to other people, and if my mind is adjusted well those reactions start flowing like water. I also feel that my personality is livelier and brighter and my sense-of-humor has improved, and I laugh with no reservations. My interaction with other people feels more comfortable and less constrained.

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Nothing on this Website is intended to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on the website is intended to encourage, not replace, direct patient-health professional relationships. Always consult with your doctor before altering your medications. Adding nutritional supplements may alter the effect of medication. Any medication changes should be done only after proper evaluation and under medical supervision.