Laquinta Curley

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Being in the medical field for 6 years has granted Laquinta the love and passion to help people. Laquinta believes that as you see people grow, you begin to see yourself grow as well. She is excited to be a part of that change at ATMC and see the lives of people change in a natural way. As a person who wants to keep learning, this is a great place for a fresh start. Laquinta strives to learn all she can to deliver the best she can, to help people create a healthier lifestyle. Knowing you helped someone is the biggest reward one can feel.

Between 2016-2018, Laquinta earned her Medical Assistant Certificate and Phlebotomy Certificate from Yavapai College, while also performing internships at Yavapai Regional Medical Center (YRMC). Laquinta also provided training for new hires, as the Head Medical Assistant Trainer at YRMC, through the Yavapai College internship program, offering mentorship and support to new hires.

In her free time, Laquinta loves running, hanging out with her dog, and learning how to garden with her fiancee. As a family, they are learning to be as healthy as possible and taking little steps everyday to become better versions of themselves.

Laquinta Curley
Medical Disclaimer:
Nothing on this Website is intended to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on the website is intended to encourage, not replace, direct patient-health professional relationships. Always consult with your doctor before altering your medications. Adding nutritional supplements may alter the effect of medication. Any medication changes should be done only after proper evaluation and under medical supervision.