Last Updated on November 25, 2020 by
Approximately eleven days after beginning the program, I started to notice a substantial change in my mood along with a very clear mind.
I attempted to discontinue abusing opiates and detox once before.
I obtained a Suboxone prescription from a doctor, and then tried to go through opiate medication detox at home on my own. For around 25 days I remained clean, but was overwhelmed with anxiety and depression; components of long-term withdrawal symptoms from opiates.
When I started the program these symptoms were still present. Approximately eleven days after beginning the program, I started to notice a substantial change in my mood along with a very clear mind. No longer do I sit around and worry about my past or future; now I am able to “be in the present moment” and get the most enjoyment out of my current situation.
When I first tried to quit abusing drugs I knew deep down inside that I was going to inevitably return to addiction. However, I am feeling quite confident this time in my capability of returning home and remaining sober. I’m also confident that I am going to start enjoying and living my life to the fullest again, instead of hiding from life behind benevolence induced by drugs.