Symptoms > Physical Ailments > Back Pain
So common is back pain, whether chronic or acute, that reports say 80% of the population has at least felt some minor discomfort, and many have felt considerable pain leading them to seek back pain treatment for relief. Chiropractors can and do educate their patients about proper care of the spine and soft tissue surrounding it, but often it is only after the fact of an injury. In a 3-trillion-dollar-a-year industry of treating back pain, one would think that a prevention based education campaign including prevention based exercises, could be launched with great success. Back pain may have already happened through an injury at work, or a motor vehicle accident, or after years of sagging muscles that have now become a constant painful reminder that the spine just won’t stay straight.

While back pain sufferers should seek treatment, that treatment should not inherently be addictive painkillers.

Degenerative conditions (some genetic, some from neglect) are responsible for a fairly large percentage of back pain symptoms. It is thought that such things as proper diet and exercise both of which support muscle strength, correcting obesity which puts a strain on everything, and other major factors could if not prevent, at least lessen the level of discomfort. Often the most obvious causes are ignored until the day of reckoning, when the back pain has become so pervasive and severe, that prescribed medication seems the best, or at least most instant, source of relief. Because the condition is now chronic, and relief has become a desperate demand, it is likely that addiction to the pain pills is imminent.

Back pain can cause serious setbacks in one’s life, and may lead a person to easily accept a prescription for pain relieving opiates.

If one has become addicted to pain pills, whether due to back pain symptoms or some other reason, Alternative to Meds Center provides education and treatments to help ease pain naturally. This may enable one to decrease or even eliminate the use of pain pills. Call today and find out more, by dialing the number listed on this page. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff are available for a personalized consultation that may provide more options for back pain treatment than have been explored previously.

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Medical Disclaimer:
Nothing on this Website is intended to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on the website is intended to encourage, not replace, direct patient-health professional relationships. Always consult with your doctor before altering your medications. Adding nutritional supplements may alter the effect of medication. Any medication changes should be done only after proper evaluation and under medical supervision.