Geodon Withdrawal Success

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Last Updated on March 8, 2021 by Carol Gillette

Alternative to Meds Center is the only place in the world that I know of that can take you off of Geodon without never-ending, excruciating symptoms.

This place knows how to get you off Geodon!

No one else could help me do that. I tried just about every doctor, hospital, psych hospital, detox center, and ER in Southern California and no one even knew Geodon withdrawal existed. The symptoms were simply unbearable. Alternative to Meds Center is the only place in the world that I know of that can take you off of Geodon without never ending, excruciating symptoms. It wasn’t easy but it was doable.

I would still be stuck on huge amounts of Geodon if it wasn’t for Alternative to Meds Center.


Geodon Withdrawal Success
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