Oxycontin Opiate Withdrawal Success

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Last Updated on March 9, 2021 by Carol Gillette

The ATMC program appears to be the most effective and the only way that you can effectively get toxins and drugs out of the body.

Already had I experienced the opiate medication withdrawal and I had not taken Oxycontin for nearly 8 days when first arriving at ATMC, but my body felt low on energy and strength and I was feeling drained. On my first day I went on a hike to a gazebo that is on top a rock formation right behind the center. It was probably two or three miles of a walk to get there, I felt exhausted before we even made it half way. I kept taking breaks and pushing myself so I somehow did make it to the top and back all the way.

One or two days after that I started to participate in the program of heavy metal removal. At first the level of energy I had was making it a little bit difficult and tiring, however a few days after beginning the program I started to feel and see daily improvements in my overall health, stamina, energy, and mostly all of my drug-use memories and drug cravings were gradually fading away, which created a clear mind and allowed me to accomplish and focus on things which I truly wanted.

I must admit now that when first starting this program I felt a little skeptical about it because I didn’t notice anything and started thinking that it was torture just to make a person not desire to use drugs again. One thing I was definitely unclear on though, re-stims can be memories. That entire time I was thinking nothing was even happening during those first days but actually I was experiencing many re-stimulations — thoughts about times when you used drugs in the past.

But when finally realizing what re-stims can be, about 9 days of being in this program I had noticed that I’d not thought about drugs in at least a few days; when trying to think of memories that I had, I wasn’t even able to remember, or remember how it felt to be high … the memories were gone and no longer did they have any effects on my brain.

To see all of these results all at once were amazing, I was grateful and happy to be in the program.

To see all of these results all at once were amazing, I was grateful and happy to be in the program. My amount of body strength and energy is gaining increasingly. At the start of this program, it was very hard for me when I ran on an elliptical machine prior to starting treatment. I could only run slowly due to the lacking amount of energy I had and my legs would feel like jelly when I got done. But within a couple of days, with each day that progressed, I felt differences in my stamina and energy, I could run twice as quick as I could before, and in the end felt that I possessed more energy compared to before starting at ATMC.

This is the very most important thing to me since having my energy and strength back means nothing will be able to hold me from doing what I want and I am capable of doing anything I want. From going through the program, now I feel like I’m a brand new person and like the old me but with a clearer body and mind now I have another chance in life to do all the things that I really want in this lifetime with all the energy that I need to do it.

The ATMC program appears to be the most effective and the only way that you can effectively get toxins and drugs out of the body. I just wish that everyone can do this so more individuals can experience life the way it is instead of going through life behind a drugged mask.

Oxycontin Opiate Withdrawal Success
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Nothing on this Website is intended to be taken as medical advice. The information provided on the website is intended to encourage, not replace, direct patient-health professional relationships. Always consult with your doctor before altering your medications. Adding nutritional supplements may alter the effect of medication. Any medication changes should be done only after proper evaluation and under medical supervision.