Sar Munson, MSc

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Sara Munson is a graduate of Concordia University with a masters degree in Community Psychology. Sar’s undergraduate studies focused on positive psychology, the study of “the goods” in life. Sar remains passionate about those things that contribute to human flourishing, which are at the heart of the mission and vision of ATMC.

Sar is certified in Collaborative Problem Solving, Wraparound Process, ASSIST Suicide Prevention, and yoga. Sar also brings a lifetime of experience related to addiction, recovery, and mental health, and is familiar using a wide variety of healing modalities and techniques such as Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), mindfulness, meditation, storytelling, and humor. Sar uses a peer-delivered strengths-based approach to working with others in the areas of health, well being, and spiritual growth.

Sar believes that recovery is not about “getting your life back.” Recovery can be simply cultivating greater awareness in the present moment. Recovery is a willingness to begin, or to begin again. It’s about choosing. Recovery is about building the life that you never had, but always wanted.

Sar Munson, MSc
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